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December 14, 2013.  11:24pm.  A few minutes ago, I finished decorating the Christmas tree, turned out the lights, and sat down to enjoy it. The tears flowed easily as I gazed at all of the memories on that tree. As I was hanging ornaments, it struck me – I didn’t realize how many angels I had, but this year they seem to have taken on new meaning.

A year ago on this day, I knew we were nearing the end. Tonight I sit here looking at pictures, and it doesn’t seem possible that she’s even gone – let alone gone an entire year.

It was just after noon on December 15, 2012, that she went home.

What a dichotomy… the sorrow of missing her so much that it physically hurts, yet gratitude in knowing she’s no longer suffering. 

The thing about life, I guess, is that our faith is constantly tested. We are reminded by virtue of the word itself, faith – we’re asked to trust in the illogical and the uncertain. It’s one of the most difficult things of all, isn’t it? Believing what you can’t see or touch… trusting that a Higher Power has control of everything, even when we don’t…