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15781071_1862715674005271_6924225020825222082_nHere we are. 2017.

I’ll be honest; I was happy to say farewell to 2016. I took a bit of a digital sabbatical between Christmas and New Year’s to reflect on the past year. I spent some time thinking about what is working in my life and the things I’m not necessarily happy with, and I set some goals/intentions for the coming year.

A few of my goals include finding more time to write, making measurable progress on my plan for retirement, spending more time with the people who are most important to me, and starting to document my bucket list instead of just thinking about it.  I have some solid steps in mind to move those goals forward, but others are more challenging.

I’m committed to focusing on myself this year, being okay with saying “no,” letting go of what I can’t control, and perhaps  most importantly realizing that I AM ENOUGH. At age img_451051, I know the coming year needs to be one of improved health – mind, body, and soul. I must find (or create) more balance in my life, and if I come to the conclusion that something truly isn’t working and can’t be changed, I need to muster up the courage to cut my losses and move on. Alas, these things are not so easy, but I want – and need – to make a solid effort.

No matter our circumstances, I think it’s important to keep moving forward. There are times in life when big, bold steps aren’t necessarily possible, but even small steps constitute growth and that’s what matters.

How are you feeling about the new year? Hopeful? Apprehensive? Have you set any goals? What, if anything, are you hoping to change or improve and do you have a plan for getting there?  Whatever your answers, I wish you a blessed year full of good health and happiness. More than anything, I hope this year brings us substantially closer to ending Alzheimer’s disease.