Mother’s Day in Heaven

Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful Mother in Heaven, and special blessings to all who are missing their own mothers today and every day.

These photos taken at Eason House are some of my favorites from one of my most memorable Mother’s Days. Mom was having such a good day and I see so many glimpses of the old Marilyn in the images.  Oh how she loved her sweet treats, and she sure enjoyed her fudgsicle that day.

This morning, I sat quietly for a few minutes and felt her loving presence surrounding me…

Eight Mother’s Days without her.


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World Alzheimer’s Month


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Join the 30-Day Brain Health Challenge


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social_media_twitterAs someone who has been up close and personal with Alzheimer’s disease, I think about the future a lot. If you are caring for or have lost a loved one to AD or another form of dementia, you more than likely know exactly what I’m talking about. What are our odds of being diagnosed at some point in our lives and if that day should come, will there be a treatment or means to slow the progression? As companies like Biogen and Lilly pull the plug on Phase III studies of drugs that once seemed to hold such promise, one has to wonder.

Brain Health

Today we are seeing much greater emphasis on prevention. How can we keep our brains healthy and stave off the disease for as long as possible? Enter the Brain Health Partnership.  Led by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, the BHP is “a comprehensive strategy to ensure brain health is included as an integral element of overall good health, and cognitive decline is identified and addressed in a timely manner.”

We think of heart health as a critical part of overall health; why isn’t the same true of brain health?

Last year, my PCP laughed at me when I asked to have a baseline SAGE test placed in my medical records.  (Note: This was the same PCP that diagnosed my mother’s dementia, so she is fully aware of the family history.)  At the time, I was stunned and quite frankly appalled.  Thankfully, the Brain Health Partnership aims to ensure the medical community takes us just as seriously when we express concerns about cognitive health as they do when we raise concerns about any other aspect of our health.

Women and Alzheimer’s

When it comes to Alzheimer’s disease, women are disproportionately effected. Did you know that two-thirds of Americans living with Alzheimer’s are women and one in six women age 65 and older will develop AD? These numbers are staggering! Alzheimer’s is a women’s health issue – a women’s health crisis – and Be Brain Powerful was created to address it. Marilyn’s Legacy is proud to be an advocacy partner in this important campaign that shines a light on women’s brain health.  The mission is simple:  To be brain powerful at any age. 

Join the Challenge

We invite you to join the 30-Day Brain Health Challenge kicking off on 04.02.19. It’s free and easy; think of it as the first step toward taking control of your own brain health! Each day, you’ll receive a tip or challenge that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine.  You can sign up at any time during the thirty days, so please join us and invite your friends to participate as well! Click here to register.